A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.  - John 13:34-35

A Message from the President

In the past couple of years, we have faced many challenges but the one thing that remains consistent in our lives is God.  In spite of the changes in this world that may have had an effect on many of us, God is faithful to His word.  He will never leave us nor forsake us. He is a very present help in trouble.  It is our duty to live and to show His love. That is what SOW Ministries thrive to do, as Jesus demonstrates His love towards us.  

Lynnette Scott

Kennadi Allen

When I got older (now 20 yrs. old) and gave my life to Jesus, SOW really made an impact on me… it impacts me because I am surrounding myself with strong women in Christ and I know their prayers and their words of encouragement are feeding my spirit. SOW is helping me to become stronger in the word and making sure that I am involving God in my everyday life. SOW teaches me how to trust in God with my whole heart. It also teaches me how to pray and give thanks to the Lord. The women of SOW are very encouraging to me. I’m very thankful that SOW Ministry stayed by my side and never stopped praying for me!

Jackie Gonzolas

Every time I have participated in a SOW meeting, I have never walked away unchanged or untouched by the word of God, His power and presence. God has used this ministry to re-fan the flame of a desire to know God intimately and pursue a meaningful relationship with Him. This ministry truly personifies the body of Christ, growing and building itself up in love, as each part does its work (Ephesians 4:16 Amp). I have come to see the ministry of SOW as “good growing ground” for me. The atmosphere in our meetings is permeated with an overwhelming sense of love, respect, support, and acceptance, which is vital to our growth as believers. Here, I have found women who embrace me, pray with and for me, walk with me through difficult challenging situations, and cry with me, a true sisterhood.

Mother Blassengill

SOW Ministries is such a blessing. This is a ministry of women of all ages who are redeemed, dedicated and fervent in prayer. Women whose word, deeds and work are as unto the LORD as they pray the word of God over every situation. I feel the love of God and his strength during bible study, prayer and praise that causes me to do self-check often.